Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Senator Hagan Talks Shop with Small Business Owners in Western North Carolina

Senator Kay Hagan (D- NC) made a visit to AEO member Mountain BizWorks in Asheville, NC on Friday, June 26 to host a small business roundtable with seven BizWorks clients. As they took turns sharing their stories with the Senator, one thing became apparent – Mountain BizWorks played a huge role in the success of each business. “Mountain BizWorks is the only reason I am here,” says Jay Weatherly, owner of The Dripolator in downtown Asheville. “They supported me and challenged me the whole way.” Almost all the entrepreneurs got started with a microloan from BizWorks, but the personal investment by the staff was what really made the difference. “BizWorks gave me a shoulder to lean on. They really advocate for us [small business owners] and I really appreciate that support and having someone in my corner,” says Sheryl Rudd, co-owner of Heinzelmannchen Brewery in downtown Sylva.

Ironically, funding for entrepreneur training and technical assistance programs is hard to come by. But as these entrepreneurs demonstrated at the roundtable, it can make the difference between business success and failure. The Small Business Administration (SBA) PRIME program (Program for Investment in MicroEntrepreneurs) provides funding to nonprofit organizations like Mountain BizWorks to provide in-depth and intensive, one-on-one business counseling and training. In order to meet the needs of emerging and existing entrepreneurs in the new economy and to make the program available in more states, AEO is recommending $15 million for PRIME in Fiscal Year 2010. To learn more read our PRIME sign on letter.

The following Mountain BizWorks clients participated in the roundtable discussion with Senator Hagan.

Together these seven entrepreneurs created 50 jobs in Western North Carolina.